A Fresh Look at Business Support Programming (JPF, BGI, SIF, and other acronyms you need to know)
A Planning Tool Kit for Healthy Rural Communities
Addressing Economic Development Issues
Agriculture as an Economic Development Opportunity
Agri-food Sector Asset Mapping
Attracting Investment Through Business Park Cluster Development
Building Climate Resilience: Infrastructure Considerations
Community Economic Development (CED) 201
Creating a Destination – Economic Benefits of Place-based Design
Cyber Risk and Social Media in the Municipal Sector
Development Charges – What, Why and Recent Changes to D.C. Legislation
Development Review – CAs and Municipalities Working Together for Success
District Energy and your Community – What’s in it for me?
Eastern Ontario Transportation Needs Analysis (EOTNA); Phase II: Project Screening
Economic Development – Where are we collaborating on regional priorities?
Environmental Liability for Contaminated Lands
Growing Businesses in Eastern Ontario
How Ice Cream Transformed a Community
Investing in the Future: Updated Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy
Love your Lakes! Partners in Lake and River Stewardship
Meeting the Economic Development Challenges with Increasing Transparency Demands
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Municipal Leading Practices
- Presentation | Brockville Active Transport
- Presentation | Climate Change Action Plan
- Presentation | Community Improvement Plans in Frontenac County
Municipal Legislation Overview
Ombudsman Oversight and Municipalities
Ontario’s New Disaster Recovery Assistance Programs
Professional Commercial Realtors – Partners in Business Attraction and Retention
Review of the Aggregate Resources Act
Species at Risk Guidance for Municipal Official Plans and Projects in-or-near Water
- Presentation | Projects around water? What you should know about Fisheries Act& Species at Risk Act
- Presentation | Aquatic Species at Risk in Eastern Ontario
The Heritage Economy – Communities as Shareholders in History
Manufacturing – How Communities Can Capitalize
The Power of Teeny Tiny Places
Tools for Municipal Budgeting and Long-term Financial Planning
Tourism Development – Preparing to Meet the Investment Dragons
- Presentation | Why Tourism Investment
- Presentation | Preparing to Market Your Tourism Investment Opportunity
Topical Labour and Employment Law and Legal Updates
- Presentation | Kristen Eliot
- Presentation | Maureen Houston
- Presentation | Melissa Seal
- Presentation | Terrence Whyte
- Memo on Recent Amendments to OHSA
Upper Tier Collaboration
Website & Email Marketing: Preparing for the Future