- Economic Development & Housing – Addressing Infrastructure Issues for a Bright Future
- CMHC Housing Solutions
- Navigating the Workforce Transition to Electric Vehicles in Canada & Eastern Ontario’s Automotive Manufacturing Sector
- Building Ontario’s Economy
- Special Events & Perilous Partnerships
- Talent Retention and Attraction across Ottawa and Eastern Ontario
- RESILIENT IN THE STORM Strategies for a Vibrant Recovery | Planning for the Unpredictable: Climate-Ready Strategies for Municipalities
- Canada’s Immigration Advantage | Innovating Rural Resilience: Eastern Ontario’s Path to Immigrant Attraction and Skilled Workforce Integration
- Why SME is Keystone of the Canadian Economy and the Importance of Economic Development at the Municipal Level
- Frontenac Communal Services Project – Bringing Water and Wastewater Together for Rural Community Building
- Accelerating Bio-Based Manufacturing in Canadian Municipalities | Data-driven Bioeconomic Solutions for Regional Economic Development
- Activating Public Spaces that Foster Business Development
- Community Responsibility, and DEI trending?
- Powering Growth: Working Together To Meet New Electricity Demand
- Investigating alternative revenue tools and uncovering operational efficiencies to balance budgets in difficult times. A Case Study of Cavan Monaghan
- Eastern Ontario Macroeconomics: Are We (Finally) Emerging from Five Years of Economic Uncertainty?
- Building a Foundation for Prosperity and Resiliency in Rural Communities
- Guarding Our Communities: Cybersecurity Essentials for Municipalities
- Municipal Law Update
- Enabling Stickiness with Youth and the Young Population | County of Simcoe: Nurturing Growth through Inclusive Workforce Initiatives and Partnerships
- City of Kingston International Student Symposium | Building Tomorrow’s Workforce: The Strategic Advantage of Co-op Student Employment
- Electricity Planning in Eastern Ontario
- The Power of a Regional Voice: Positioning Your Community as a “Hub City” | Productive Partnerships – ensuring community and economic development strategies align
- Workforce Development – Programs and Services Supporting Business Growth and Attraction
- Breaking Down Housing Development & Site Servicing Barriers: Rural and Infill Solutions and how to Leverage Municipal Service Corporations
- Enbridge Sustain: Towards a Lower-Carbon Future
- City of Kawartha Lakes Short Term Rentals License Program
- Bridging Industry and Education: Unveiling Kawartha Lakes’ Innovative Workforce Solutions
Economic Development & Housing – Addressing Infrastructure Issues for a Bright Future
Moderator: Stephen Paul, President, Ontario East Economic Development Commission
TJ Flynn, Investment Attraction Officer, Northumberland County
Frank Nieuwkoop, Owner & Vice President, Valecraft
Adrian Pepper, CEO of Northumberland Workforce Housing Corporation
Jeff Poapst, Chief Manufacturing Officer, Ross Video
Now more than ever innovative housing solutions are needed for a growing workforce in eastern Ontario. Our opening plenary will feature real time examples of how businesses and communities are meeting this challenge head on by developing new partnerships and introducing new ideas to address this important infrastructure need in the region.
CMHC Housing Solutions
Moderator: Meredith Staveley-Watson, Manager of Government Relations and Policy, Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus
Speaker: Jeremy Tessier, Specialist, Knowledge Transfer – Client Relations at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Labour mobility is being affected by housing costs and low vacancy rates. Job vacancies, especially in key sectors like health care, are going unfilled due to barriers to internal labour mobility. The Federal government has put forth several initiatives in Budget 2024 to address ongoing housing concerns. As such, it is crucial that our partners in all sectors have access to up-to-date information on available funding to support housing construction.
This presentation by Jeremy Tessier (Knowledge Transfer Specialist, Ontario Region) will provide an overview of housing financing opportunities available at the CMHC, and present examples of successful partnerships that have resulted in new housing units created.
The presentation will include information about new programs and changes to existing programs. This talk will also highlight best practices that are emerging from the roll-out of the Housing Accelerator Fund, a federal initiative that works with municipalities to increase permit approval times and build resilient communities.
Navigating the Workforce Transition to Electric Vehicles in Canada & Eastern Ontario’s Automotive Manufacturing Sector
Moderator: Abdul Razak Jendi, Investment Manager, Sustainable Manufacturing, Invest Kingston
Speaker: Bassel Kazzaz, Director of Research & Market Intelligence, Future of Canadian Automotive Labourforce (FOCAL) Initiative
The Future of Canadian Automotive Labourforce (FOCAL) Initiative, funded in part by the Government of Canada, is a collaboration of the Canadian Skills Training and Employment Coalition (CSTEC), the Automotive Policy Research Centre (APRC) and Prism Economics and Analysis. Since mid-2019, the partnership has produced labour market information and data related to Canada’s automotive manufacturing sector, examined key trends affecting the automotive labour market, and forecasted the supply and demand for key occupations in the broader automotive sector.
FOCAL has recently released its economic forecast of the impact of the transition from internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) to electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing in Canada’s automotive manufacturing sector. The forecast, which covers the whole automotive manufacturing supply chain, and extends all the way back to material processing and mining, details the economic and labour market impacts of this transition, and highlights potential job gains and losses across different industries and sectors through 2040. FOCAL is also producing detailed occupational forecasts specific to different regions across Canada, including Eastern Ontario.
This presentation at the OEMC will include an overview of the analysis conducted, along with economic and labour market data specific to the Eastern Ontario region. The presentation will also include an overview of the labour market and skill tools developed by the FOCAL Initiative to address the challenges ahead in the automotive industry and the manufacturing sector.
Building Ontario’s Economy
Moderator: Kent Fitzhugh, Senior Business Advisor, Business Advisory Services Branch, Small Business and Program Delivery Division, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT)
Clara Chan, Assistant Deputy Minister, Small Business and Program Delivery Division, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT)
Arman Giloyan, Area Director for ICT and Advanced Manufacturing in Europe/Senior International Market Consultant, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT)
Wassim Hafsa, Senior Business Advisor, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT)
As your partner in growing healthy prosperous communities, the Ministry of Economic Development Job Creation and Trade is presenting an overview of supports available from several branches within our Small Business and Program Delivery Division and Trade and International Engagement Divisions.
Special Events & Perilous Partnerships
Moderator: Elizabeth Edwards, Director, City of Quinte West | Ontario East Board of Directors
Speaker: Tracy Eso, BFA, CIP, ACI, Risk Assessment and Solutions Specialist, Intact Public Entities
Partnering with festival and non-profit organizations is often the only way a municipality can deliver special events in their community. It can be a great strategy, enabling municipal governments to attract new visitors and revenue streams into their community while efficiently staffing these events using volunteers and workers employed by other entities.
Special events, however, introduce unique hazards to the communities that host them disrupting safety procedures and regular protocols that from a day-to-day perspective, have been proven to keep the community safe and protect valuable municipal assets. Officials must understand the potential hazards and mitigate the risks associated with new and potentially risky special events. Tracy Eso of Intact Public Entities, will discuss the importance of contractual risk transfer for special events, from private parties to public parades. Tracy will introduce the key areas of concern to watch for and processes to implement that help protect municipalities while balancing the needs of special partner groups and the community you serve.
Talent Retention and Attraction across Ottawa and Eastern Ontario
Moderator: Alysha Dominico, Project Manager, OE-WPSP
Emmanuel Rey, Economic Development Officer, City of Ottawa’s Economic Development Services
Kim van der Horst Invest Ottawa’s Work in Ottawa
Chantal Yelle, Hire Local in collaboration with Ottawa’s four PSIs
Brad Fougère, Executive Director, Ottawa Coalition of Business Improvement Areas (OCOBIA)
This is a panel session that will include the following representation:
- City of Ottawa’s Economic Development Services: Talent is a priority for Ottawa’s business community and the economic development partners that represent key sectors of the city’s economy. Preliminary findings from the City of Ottawa’s Labour Market Assessment study.
- Invest Ottawa’s Work in Ottawa: This place-building and talent attraction program supports Ottawa and Eastern Ontario’s technology and knowledge sectors.
- Hire Local: A collaborative effort by Ottawa’s four post-secondary institutions to support employers, and to accelerate employment of local graduates.
- The Ottawa Coalition of Business Improvement Areas (OCOBIA), is a unified voice of the 18 Business Improvement Areas within urban, suburban and rural Ottawa who, when combined, represent more than 6,400 businesses and their 128,000 employees.
RESILIENT IN THE STORM Strategies for a Vibrant Recovery | Planning for the Unpredictable: Climate-Ready Strategies for Municipalities
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: Cyndy Palleske, Executive Director, Community Futures Eastern Ontario (CFEO)
RESILIENT IN THE STORM Strategies for a Vibrant Recovery
Speaker: Gail Moorhouse, CEO and Consultant, Recharge Solutions
Your Municipality Emergency Management Plan is focused on People, Property and Environment. So who is focused on the business community? In light of recent natural disasters, and the ever-present threat of emergencies it is crucial for the business leaders to come together, collaborate and be proactive in developing a robust readiness and contingency plan to weather the storm. Knowing how to react or advocate for support, when faced with an emergency can minimize disruption and loss as well as enable a faster rebound and stronger economic recovery.
This presentation addresses the how to navigate economic disruption. Through interactive discussion and insights from real-life case studies, participants will have a look at the challenges faced by businesses during emergencies. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge and practical strategies to effectively prepare for, respond to, and expedite recovery efforts in their communities. Key takeaways will include:
- Understanding the Emergency Act, your Municipal Emergency Management Plan and the roles leaders plays.
- Identify the levels of emergency and how to leverage available resources.
- How to work with various level of government to advocate for local needs.
- Elements of a solid readiness plan in case of disruption.
- Why a united communication plan is vital to response and recovery.
- How to work with small business on their own business continuity plan.
Now more than ever, businesses need to prioritize emergency preparedness to mitigate risks, protect assets, and ensure continuity in the face of unforeseen events. Don’t miss this opportunity to equip your organization or community with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate emergencies and emerge stronger than ever.
Planning for the Unpredictable: Climate-Ready Strategies for Municipalities
Speaker: Erik Marko P.Eng., PMP, Principal, Colliers Project Leaders
Canada’s wide-ranging landscape is one of our country’s greatest assets, yet because of its expansive geography, the impacts of extreme weather events change can be vastly different. This diversity poses challenges for each province and territory when developing resilient infrastructure, with recovery efforts from floods, fires and other events proving costly and prolonged. With more climate emergencies occurring, it’s essential for municipalities to plan for future weather impacts and prepare recovery plans to increase its resiliency. However, that is often easier said than done. Where do municipalities start? What does ‘climate readiness’ mean? How can municipalities reduce risks for their communities and increase resiliency?
Join Erik Marko with Colliers Project Leaders to learn how municipalities across Canada are strategizing and preparing for extreme weather events. Gain valuable insights into municipal climate adaptation and emergency planning through real-world examples. Attendees will walk away with a deeper understanding of how municipalities can adeptly respond to disasters, curbing economic losses, mitigating destructive impacts and safeguarding their communities.
Canada’s Immigration Advantage | Innovating Rural Resilience: Eastern Ontario’s Path to Immigrant Attraction and Skilled Workforce Integration
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: Dan Cardinal, Economic Development Officer, Township of North Stormont
Canada’s Immigration Advantage
Nadia Faggiani, Outreach Officer, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada
Margaret Draper, Program Advisor, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada
Join Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada to learn about Canada’s Immigration Advantage. Canada is a strategic choice for investment for several reasons, and Canada’s business-friendly immigration system is one of them. Learn about temporary and permanent economic immigration pathways, free programs and supports available to Canadian employers and stakeholders, as well as OEECD’s role as a Referral Partner under the Global Skills Strategy.
Innovating Rural Resilience: Eastern Ontario’s Path to Immigrant Attraction and Skilled Workforce Integration
Jodi Bucholtz, Manager, Local Immigration Partnership – Lanark & Renfrew
Greg Belmore, Manager of Human Resources, The County of Renfrew
This session catalyzes the Eastern Ontario Immigrant Attraction and Retention Strategy within rural communities. Delving into the pivotal role of innovation and resilience, this session highlights some promising practices through collaboration. Explore how rural areas can flourish through innovative approaches, leveraging newcomers’ talents and skills. Through the Rural Inclusion Project, discover practical strategies for integrating newcomers into rural life and fostering inclusive communities that thrive on diversity. Address the pressing issue of labour force shortages by exploring the potential of skilled newcomer attraction. As Eastern Ontario’s economy continues to evolve, it’s imperative to tap into the rich talent pool of immigrants to meet workforce demands effectively. Gain valuable insights into recruitment strategies and best practices for retaining skilled newcomers, ensuring sustainable economic growth and community development. Seize this unique opportunity to engage with those working to bring the Eastern Ontario Immigrant Attraction and Retention Strategy to life, forging a path towards vibrant, resilient rural communities.
Why SME is Keystone of the Canadian Economy and the Importance of Economic Development at the Municipal Level
Moderator: Chris King, Chief Executive Officer, Quinte Economic Development Commission
Speaker: Dean French, Founder of the Keystone Awards for Job Creation
Economic development and entrepreneurship at the municipal level is key to job creation and Canada’s future. In other words, what you do is important. The Canadian way, the Canadian dream is funded by small medium enterprises. They are the hometown heroes in each and every community across Canada. We have to remind ourselves that when business fails, a country fails. When small and medium businesses fail job creation fails, we have less of a tax base, and the math doesn’t work. Without successful and growing businesses we can’t afford public education, health or CPP for retired Canadians. This session will focus on a new initiative to celebrate locally owned top employers with case studies from local businesses sharing their stories of success and how municipalities and economic development are best able to support continued growth and job creation.
Frontenac Communal Services Project – Bringing Water and Wastewater Together for Rural Community Building
Moderator: Joyce Gravelle, Account Manager, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
Joe Gallivan, Director, Planning & Economic Development, County of Frontenac
Brad Gaffney, Regional Sales Manager, Newterra
Frontenac County and the four member municipalities have established a regional municipal services corporation under the Municipal Act to coordinate the delivery and maintenance of communal services for housing. The public utility will support an innovative rural solution to provide communal services and increase housing supply in rural areas.Communal services are a decentralized solution for water and wastewater that are economical, effective, environmentally sustainable, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to full-service options. The journey began with a statement in the County Official Plan: “lack of municipal services in all of our villages challenges future community viability.” Which led to the question: “what will rural areas look like 100 years from now if we do not find a different approach to servicing?”
The session approach:
- How and why Frontenac took this journey.
- Three community projects that are moving forward using communal services.
- The model that Frontenac has created and how it is easily transferable to other jurisdictions.
Accelerating Bio-Based Manufacturing in Canadian Municipalities | Data-driven Bioeconomic Solutions for Regional Economic Development
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: David Wybou, Business Development Officer, County of Renfrew
Accelerating Bio-Based Manufacturing in Canadian Municipalities
Speaker: Jordan Solomon, President and CEO of Ecostrat, Chairman of the BDO Zone Initiative
BDO Zone Ratings are powerful biobased economic development tools that certify regional readiness for bio-based manufacturing, create global connections with project developers, and ignite an influx of clean energy opportunities. A BDO Zone rating is an internationally recognized standards-based technical risk assessment of biomass feedstock, supply chain, and infrastructure risk with respect to the development potential of new biofuel, renewable chemical, biogas, and bioproduct plants. Investment grade ratings attract new bio-based manufacturing plants to the areas where they are most likely to succeed– and create jobs. Since 2020, over 50 communities across North America have been designated or are in progress. The Ratings act as a “bulls-eye” for project developers who are interested in developing their next biobased plant. Today, new biobased plants are being built in BDO Zones and provide economic development organizations, municipalities, and local communities with a framework and opportunity to stand out in the global bioeconomy.
Data-driven Bioeconomic Solutions for Regional Economic Development
Speaker: Sarah Benčić, Program & GIS Innovation Coordinator, The Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy (CRIBE)
We are showcasing how CRIBE’s data-driven approach to regional economic development across Ontario is helping communities to share, collaborate & attract investment in the bioeconomic space. We are continuing to share & collaborate with municipal economic developers to showcase the opportunity for investment in Eastern Ontario. We have been developing free & open tools on our platform to highlight economic opportunities using spatial data from the province & our partners. These tools are hosted on our Forest EDGE platform & are openly available to the public. Along with our work within our network to encourage innovation across the bio-economy we are working hard to do business-to-business matching and investment attraction support for communities.
Eastern Ontario is especially unique in its abundance of privately managed forest resources outside of the Managed forest resources typically highlighted by the provincial government in these business cases. Forest bio-economy is a growing opportunity for investment as much of provincial & federal policy is encouraging a Net Zero approach for businesses. This drive can greatly benefit Eastern Ontario & we are using spatial data to showcase that!
Activating Public Spaces that Foster Business Development
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: Alex de Wit, Economic and Business Advisor, Community Economic Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Speaker: Ramona Gallagher, CEO, Main Street Matters
Placemaking is about more than just fun local events, murals or streetscape improvements. Placemaking projects create strong and connected neighbourhoods. They increase civic engagement and can lead to better economic outcomes for your community, improved accessibility, job creation and maintenance and smart innovation. “Placemaking capitalizes on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, ultimately creating good public space that promotes people’s health, happiness, and well-being.” (The Project for Public Spaces). Placemaking, though does not always have to be about large-scale investment or major revitalization of ‘place.’ These efforts get tabled on most Council floors for future consideration or moved to “Future Business” on organizational agendas and rarely see the light of day. So, let’s change our thinking about placemaking. What can we do now? But more importantly, how can we measure its impact? Traditional economic development measurement and analytics (BRE) focus solely on job creation and revenue growth, or the measurement of “feet on the street”. What we need to do as Economic Developers is learn how to expand our ROI thinking to include the Social Return on Investment, reimagination of assets, and the ideation of community ownership of ‘place’ by bringing residents and stakeholders into our placemaking efforts.
Speaker: Elisha Maguire, Manager of Economic Development, City of Belleville
The City of Belleville is celebrating the activation of spaces; projects where the private sector has been engaged in ways that uniquely enhance outdoor areas and foster business development. Belleville’s Economic Development Team has launched two “Pop-up” projects that are being replicated across the Quinte region and other areas of the province with similar goals and objectives.
Pop-ups on the Bay is a seasonal, modular small business opportunity ranging from food and retail to experiences, on the shores of the Bay of Quinte in Belleville. Pop-ups are both a resident and tourist attraction and offer enhancement to other activities and events held in the park. Developed by the City of Belleville in 2019, the program has several goals:
- To support entrepreneurs in the development and growth of their business.
- To enhance the visitor experience.
- To activate the underdeveloped waterfront.
- Despite the challenges since its inception (flooding and the pandemic), this project continues to gain momentum and has resulted in two bricks-and-mortar businesses.
The Pop-up Patio Project was launched in 2023 with the intent to enhance outdoor experiences that support a lively urban environment and solidify the Downtown District as a destination for culinary and entertainment. This project has successfully enhanced 31 street patios and parklets that create new community spaces for businesses and patrons.
With the intention of improving universal accessibility, public safety and the overall streetscape, the city will explain how they pursued the right partners to bring this project to life, and how they manage the capital assets that are installed for downtown stakeholders through a permitting process each year.
City of Kawartha Lakes Short Term Rentals License Program
Moderator: Elizabeth Edwards, Director, City of Quinte West
Speaker: Aaron Sloan, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing, City of Kawartha Lakes
The City of Kawartha Lakes officially passed a By-law regulating Short Term Rental Accommodations in June of 2023.
Between the years of 2017 to 2023, years of information and research was gathered, while being reviewed for the development of the Short Term Rental By-law. Consultations of other municipalities and agencies were done and comparators were examined to further study the growing changes and need for regulations.
By 2024, The City of Kawartha Lakes had strengthened nuisance by-laws, implemented investigative fees, hosted public information sessions, created a task force, provided numerous Council updates, and engaged with a vendor host program who was able to confirm up to 800+ short term rental locations in our area using the approximate 60 online platforms advertising in Kawartha Lakes.
To license these short term rental locations, it allows for safe conditions (Fire and Building Code), establish responsibilities for owners, protect the character, value and quality of neighbourhoods and can be addressed through legal process for non compliance.
Having a Bylaw that defines a “hosted or unhosted” property as well as 6mth and 1 year licenses, the City of Kawartha Lakes also has a demerit point system for violations and fees that range between $150 – $1500 per application, fines for non compliance range from $200 to $900.
We learned that vendor support is essential to identifying properties, new data from applications revealed changes to properties without permits or undersized septic systems, and post year 1, we are looking to review processes such as our application and circulation and continue to structure our enforcement courses of action.
Investigating alternative revenue tools and uncovering operational efficiencies to balance budgets in difficult times: A Case Study of Cavan Monaghan
Moderator: Jason Kipfer, Director of Economic Development, Explorer Solutions, Director, Ontario East Board of Directors
Speaker: Scott McFadden, Coach,
Cavan Monaghan faced a financial crisis a decade before the recent financial shock waves ripped through communities across the province and the world. Despite losing over 40% of their annual revenues during the course of a couple years, Cavan Monaghan not only managed those significant loses, but transformed those difficult times into unprecedented growth and opportunity. Municipalities today are faced with increases to inflation rates, costs of borrowing, and the costs of goods and services. There is suddenly the realization that the current municipal funding models aren’t sustainable. As Cavan Monaghan was forced to do over the course of the past decade, municipalities today will need to look beyond traditional revenue generation that rely on transfers from upper levels of government, user fees, reserves, and annual property tax increases.
The session will focus on:
- Managing resident expectations, delivering moderately increased levels of service while consistently reducing Operational expenses;
- Generating significant revenues beyond traditional revenue sources such as property taxes;
- Creating an environment to encourage new and expanding businesses in your Community that bring jobs to the community;
- Investigating Joint Venture opportunities to assist Councils to deliver on their community vision and campaign promises
Eastern Ontario Macroeconomics: Are We (Finally) Emerging from Five Years of Economic Uncertainty?
Moderator: Chris King, Chief Executive Officer, Quinte Economic Development Commission
Speaker: Sébastien Labrecque, Executive Director and Chief Economist, StrategyCorp Institute of Public Policy and Economy
Saying that the last five years have been marked by significant economic uncertainty is an understatement. Between the pandemic, inflation, high interest rates, population growth and the threat of a recession, Eastern Ontario has had to navigate complex socioeconomic dynamics. Leveraging the latest data available, we will look at key economic indicators to highlight trends impacting Eastern Ontario households, companies and municipalities. We will assess how the region is faring compared to the rest of the province and the country. The presentation will pay special attention to indicators related to demographics, employment, business and housing. This will enable us to identify and discuss with session attendees opportunities and challenges uncovered in the data. A Q&A session where participants can ask their questions in English or French will follow.
Building a Foundation for Prosperity and Resiliency in Rural Communities
Moderator: Ann-Marie Kelleher-Byers, Senior Economic Development Officer, Business Innovation and Community Development, Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Carolyn Puterbough,Economic & Business Advisor, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Karen Fischer, Economic & Business Advisor, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This session will explore how to build a foundation for prosperity and resiliency in rural municipalities using community economic development approaches. Presenters will look at what community economic development is and why it’s vital for your community. The role of communication, education, and empowerment in nurturing a welcoming and inclusive environment will be explored. The presenters will share practical tools and tactics as well as local examples will be shared along with free resources to support economic development in your community. Join the conversation and discover how communities can shape a more prosperous, resilient, and inclusive future.
Guarding Our Communities: Cybersecurity Essentials for Municipalities
Moderator: Cyndy Phillips, Executive Director, Community Futures Development Corporation Renfrew County
Loan Duong, Director of Sales & Marketing, Cloud Metric Inc./ Server Cloud Canada/ Telecom Metric Inc.
Marcus Sargent, Vice President of BFL Canada
Guarding Our Communities: Cybersecurity Essentials for Municipalities Cloud Metric Inc. proposes a presentation on Cybersecurity for Municipalities, recognizing the critical role of safeguarding municipal operations and citizen data. The breach in Hamilton, one of the largest cities in Ontario, is the latest example and underscores the vulnerability of municipal systems to cyber threats. Such incidents highlight the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect essential services and maintain public trust. Another important topic is compliance with regulations which is vital for municipalities to ensure the privacy and security of citizen information. Non-compliance not only risks legal repercussions but also erodes public confidence in municipal governance. Our presentation will offer tailored strategies for municipalities, encompassing access controls, encryption protocols, and comprehensive incident response plans. We will emphasize the importance of employee training and collaboration with cybersecurity experts to fortify municipal defenses. By prioritizing cybersecurity resilience, municipalities can mitigate risks, safeguard critical infrastructure, and uphold their commitment to serving and protecting their communities.
Municipal Law Update
Moderator: Bob Peters, Manager, Cornwall Economic Development
Speaker: Tony Fleming C.S., Certified Specialist in Municipal Law (Local Government/Land Use Planning & Development), Cunningham, Swan, Carty, Little & Bonham LLP
The courts and tribunals are constantly interpreting the law that applies to municipal governance and land use planning. When case law is considered along with changes in legislation, decision makers and staff have a daunting task to remain up to date. You need the most current information to ensure your municipality is making the right decisions and is able to take advantage of new rules. This session will focus on the latest changes to municipal legislation and the newest cases in areas of interest to municipal council and staff. Learn not just what new decisions have been handed down from the OLT and the courts, but why they are important and how your municipality can benefit.
Enabling Stickiness with Youth and the Young Population | County of Simcoe: Nurturing Growth through Inclusive Workforce Initiatives and Partnerships
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: TJ Flynn, Investment Attraction Officer, Northumberland County
Enabling Stickiness with Youth and the Young Population
Speaker: Daniel Van Kampen, Manager of Economic Development, Town of Cobourg
When the Town of Cobourg completed their economic development strategy in 2023, background research indicated that the young population was growing. The Town experienced over 4% growth among the population under 14 years of age from 2016 to 2021. There continues to be daycare centre and school population growth with new, additional population moving into Cobourg. This reputation of being a retirement community and a place to live for the 65 plus population needs to be challenged. The economic development strategy included a goal statement to address workforce development by improving youth engagement. Since the strategy’s adoption, economic development and the Venture13 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre have created programs and initiatives to improve workforce engagement, which include:
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Camps
- A Skilled Trades Day
- Graduation awards for secondary school students pursuing STEM and entrepreneurship post-secondary education
These programs and initiatives are the beginning of improved youth engagement and awareness of future opportunities in Cobourg. The intent is to retain the young population and they stick to Cobourg when they pursue employment and/or business opportunities.
County of Simcoe: Nurturing Growth through Inclusive Workforce Initiatives and Partnerships
Speaker: Ruth Walker Scott, Economic Development Officer, County of Simcoe Economic Development Office
The County of Simcoe Economic Development Office’s presentation will spotlight its Labour Market Research Study and subsequent initiatives that were delivered for the purpose of supporting and developing Simcoe County’s labour force. The presentation will underscore the importance of strong regional partnerships and the value of leveraging external funding opportunities.
The study was delivered as part of a larger RED funded workforce program. The purpose was to identify and provide recommendations to resolve challenges that Simcoe County-based businesses faced, especially following the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The County of Simcoe EDO received input from local businesses, which informed the study, by working in partnership with SM Skillforce (formerly the Simcoe Muskoka Workforce Development Board).
The study examined six key sectors. It identified challenges and made recommendations specific to each sector and provided general cross sector recommendations to support workforce development throughout the County. As a result, the County of Simcoe EDO was able to provide support to businesses in all key sectors over a short period of time. Some initiatives that will be highlighted in the presentation include an industry focused mentorship program, management essentials and DEI training, and meaningful collaboration with post-secondary institutions.
City of Kingston International Student Symposium | Building Tomorrow’s Workforce: The Strategic Advantage of Co-op Student Employment.
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: Abdul Razak Jendi, Investment Manager, Sustainable Manufacturing, Invest Kingston
City of Kingston International Student Symposium
Dajana Turkovic, Workforce Development Analyst, City of Kingston
Yu Jier Kou, Program Coordinator, Kingston Immigration Partnership
Sonia Verjovsky, Project Supervisor, Workplace Inclusion Charter, KEYS
Eliana de Lima-Ventresca, Political Science Student, Queen’s University
The City of Kingston, along with the Kingston Immigration Partnership (KIP) and KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services, hosted the inaugural International Student Symposium on March 6, 2024. This event aimed to enhance the well-being and integration of international students into the community. International students enrich local culture and often see their studies as a path to citizenship. However, they face unique challenges beyond academic pressures, for which post-secondary institutions are often unprepared. The symposium, attended by nearly 200 international post-secondary students, focused on fostering relationships and finding solutions to these challenges. Its key objectives included connecting students with local resources, building relationships, and developing an ongoing action plan to be reviewed annually. This initiative has a dual impact: locally, it strengthens collaboration among agencies supporting international students, empowering them to address common issues. Regionally, it sets a precedent for other Eastern Ontario jurisdictions to address similar challenges. Building on Kingston’s success in promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) through initiatives like the Workplace Inclusion Charter, this symposium holds promise as another model for positive change and we would love to introduce it to regional partners at the OEMC.
Building Tomorrow’s Workforce: The Strategic Advantage of Co-op Student Employment
Speaker: Jideofor Ahaneku, Business Developer, University of Waterloo
The session delves into the transformative power of co-op programs in shaping the future workforce and building a bridge that connects post-secondary institutions and the world of work. With a focus on strategic talent acquisition, this session explores how businesses can leverage co-op student employment as a catalyst for growth and innovation.
Through well-researched insights and valuable case studies, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of hiring co-op students. The session emphasizes the strategic advantages, such as accessing a pool of motivated and skilled talent, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development, and driving organizational success.
Moreover, the session highlights the role of co-op programs in addressing industry challenges, promoting diversity and inclusion, and creating sustainable talent pipelines. Attendees will learn about best practices for integrating co-op students into their teams, optimizing their contributions, and maximizing return on investment.
Overall, this session is designed to provide actionable strategies and practical advice for businesses looking to harness the strategic advantage of co-op student employment. It aims to inspire and equip attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to build a resilient and competitive workforce for the future.
Electricity Planning in Eastern Ontario
Moderator: Jay Amer, Executive Director, Ontario East
Speaker: Kennan Ip, Senior Manager, Transmission Planning Plan Development Independent Electricity System Operator
Electricity demand in Ontario is forecasted to rise by 60 per cent over the next 25 years driven by changing consumer preferences, population growth and increased electrification of sectors and industrial processes.
In this 60-minute session, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) will provide an overview of the important role communities have in shaping Ontario’s energy future, and share upcoming and completed electricity planning activities in eastern Ontario.
The Power of a Regional Voice: Positioning Your Community as a “Hub City” | Productive Partnerships – ensuring community and economic development strategies align
*This session includes two 30-minute presentations
Moderator: Jason Davis, Director of Development & Property, County of Renfrew
The Power of a Regional Voice: Positioning Your Community as a “Hub City”
Speaker: Mathieu Fleury, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Cornwall
Eastern Ontario is growing at a rapid pace. Tourism, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure- is your community keeping up? At times, it feels as though communities are positioned to compete; but harnessing the influence of a regional voice and working collaboratively is equally as powerful. Through the concept of a “Hub City”, regional strengths are highlighted, and challenges become heard. As the adage goes, there is strength in numbers. Using the City of Cornwall’s recently adopted Strategic Priorities and Pillars as a guide, CAO Mathieu Fleury will discuss how your community can harmoniously achieve local wins while impactfully working with surrounding neighbors on common goals.
Productive Partnerships – Ensuring Community and Economic Development Strategies Align
Cyndy Phillips, Executive Director, Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation
Melissa Marquardt, Manager of Economic Development, County of Renfrew
This session will look at the partnership approach to strategic planning between the Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation and the County of Renfrew’s Economic Development Division. With similar yet different mandates, these two organizations came together with a common goal – an opportunity to pool resources and avoid business participation fatigue. While the end result was an individual plan for each organization, the process took a collaborative approach to stakeholder engagement, awareness and education. Learn about this unique approach and the importance of working together for the benefit of the community.
Workforce Development – Programs and Services Supporting Business Growth and Attraction
Moderator: Alysha Dominico, Project Manager, OE-WPSP
Adam Cameron, Regional Program Manager, Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Nathalie Wuta, Team Lead Employer Outreach Unit, Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Martha Woods, Executive Director, Eastern Ontario Training Board
The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) and it Global Talent and Settlement Services will provide an update on programs along with presentation of real-life examples of support programs currently underway in eastern Ontario communities including the Ontario East Workforce Partners Support Project (OE-WPSP) and the Eastern Ontario Training Board Newcomer Employment Service & Local Immigration Program.
Breaking Down Housing Development & Site Servicing Barriers: Rural and Infill Solutions and how to Leverage Municipal Service Corporations
Moderator: Jay Amer, Executive Director, Ontario East
Lindsay Blair, Executive Director, 2B Developments
Kevin Warner, M.Sc., P. Geo (Ltd), BCIN, Water & Wastewater – Hydrogeologist, Cambium Inc.
Increase your knowledge of de-centralized servicing, and how municipal service corporations (MSCs) can help rural and small municipalities solve infrastructure challenges to support densification and diverse development scenarios. This session combines technical expertise on MSCs, site servicing options, and housing trends into one discussion. Learn how your municipality can support alternative solutions for water and wastewater servicing, and other infrastructure needs through creative approaches or an MSC while also progressing forward real projects that drive.
Community Responsibility, and DEI Trending?
Moderator: Karen Fischer, Agriculture and Rural Economic Development Advisor, Economic Development Division, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Speaker: Emilio Ojeda, Settlement Services Coordinator, Northumberland County
In the ever-evolving landscape of social responsibility and corporate ethics, Community Responsibility and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have emerged as crucial focal points. Organizations worldwide are recognizing the significance of actively engaging with and contributing to the communities they operate in. This Community Responsibility extends beyond philanthropy, encompassing sustainable business practices, ethical decision-making, and a commitment to social justice.
Simultaneously, the DEI movement has gained unprecedented momentum, with various acronyms such as D&I (Diversity and Inclusion), IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility), DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging), JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and ERG (Employee Resource Groups) taking centre stage. These terms highlight the multifaceted approach organizations are adopting to foster a workplace culture that celebrates diversity, ensures equity, and promotes inclusivity.
As DEI becomes a business imperative, organizations are increasingly integrating these principles into their core values and operational strategies. Embracing a holistic approach, organizations are striving to build diverse teams, eliminate biases, and create an inclusive environment that fosters innovation and collaboration.
The evolving landscape of Community Responsibility and DEI trends reflects a paradigm shift towards a more conscientious and socially aware business world. Organizations that champion these principles not only contribute to the well-being of society but also position themselves as leaders in a global marketplace that values ethical practices and inclusive leadership.
Bridging Industry and Education: Unveiling Kawartha Lakes’ Innovative Workforce Solutions
Moderator: Ann-Marie Kelleher-Byers, Senior Economic Development Officer, Business Innovation and Community Development, Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Lindsey Schoenmakers, Economic Development Officer, Business, City of Kawartha Lakes
Alan Stanley, Head of Business and Technological Studies, Transportation Technology Teacher, I.E. Weldon Secondary School
Joe Kraan, Plant Manager, TS Manufacturing
Discover Kawartha Lakes’ innovative approach to tackling local workforce challenges! Join us for a captivating speaker session where we dive into how Kawartha Lakes Economic Development, alongside local school boards and industry, bridges the gap between industry and education.
Through dynamic events like “Manufacturing Doors Open” and the “Reverse Job Fair,” we showcase the many opportunities within advanced manufacturing and skilled trade businesses. These initiatives are not only about educating educators on the diverse pathways available to students but also empowering them to guide and motivate the next generation toward rewarding careers. Through interactive sessions, informative workshops, and networking opportunities, the event sparked crucial conversations and fostered lasting connections. Its impact resonated deeply, enhancing awareness and laying a robust foundation for future collaborations, ultimately enriching Kawartha Lakes’ workforce and fostering a culture of lifelong learning and innovation.
Powering Growth: Working Together To Meet New Electricity Demand
Moderator: TBA
Kyle Mersky, Director of Growth, Hydro One
Salman Esmail, Business Development Specialist, IVY
Giselle De Grandis, Manager, Business Development & Market Strategy, Hydro One
Enbridge Sustain: Towards a Lower-Carbon Future
Moderator: Stephen Paul, President, Ontario East
Speakers: Behdad Banan, Director of Product, Enbridge Sustain
Behdad Banan is the Head of Product at Enbridge Sustain, where he spearheads commercial planning and product management for a diverse portfolio that includes Residential Hybrid Heating, Solar, Geothermal, and EV Charging solutions. With a robust background in both the energy and telecom sectors, Behdad combines his expertise in commercial strategy, financial analysis, pricing, and product management to drive innovation and sustainability initiatives.
Behdad holds a degree in Mining Engineering and an MBA, providing him with a robust analytical foundation and strategic insight. His career began in the energy sector, and he later transitioned to the telecom industry, where he spent over a decade at Rogers Communications. During his tenure at Rogers, Behdad held various leadership roles, playing a pivotal role in marketing and customer-based management analytics. He was instrumental in driving significant market share growth for Rogers’ broadband internet services and enhancing operational efficiencies within sales and customer care channels.
At Enbridge Sustain, Behdad’s role involves overseeing the development and strategic planning of cutting-edge sustainable technologies. His leadership is pivotal in advancing the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship and energy efficiency.
Behdad’s extensive experience, coupled with his dedication to advancing sustainable solutions, positions him as a key contributor to the dialogue on municipal development and sustainability. He is excited to share his insights and innovations at the Ontario East Municipal Conference.