
Carole Lavigne
Economic Development and Tourism Director
(613) 675-4661 ext. 8100

About the United Counties of Prescott and Russell

The mandate of Prescott and Russell Economic Development and Tourism (PREDT) is to create and maintain a favorable environment for regional economic development initiatives by collaborating with all stakeholders in the various local activity sectors.

By promoting the region’s main attractions to potential investors and implementing concrete initiatives to support local businesses and industries, our team of dedicated professionals contributes to regional economic development.

In terms of promoting the main attractions, our team has developed a regional profile, a mapping of the ready-to-invest lands and an inventory of vacant commercial and industrial spaces in order to prepare the region for the coming of potential investors.

In order to support local businesses and industries, our team, in close collaboration with our partners, implements several initiatives every year to support key sectors of the economy: commercial, industrial, agri-food and tourism. For example, our team recently conducted a survey to develop action plans that will help maintain and expand existing businesses, plan to open a Food Hub to promote agri-food producers and provide tourism development, to add value to the region as a destination of choice.

The Prescott and Russell Entrepreneurship Center (PREC) is a key partner of the Economic Development and Tourism Office in supporting local businesses.

The PREC offers free services to entrepreneurs such as:

  • Free consultations with the qualified business advisor;
  • A business plan review service;
  • Workshops and business seminars;
  • Information on the licenses, permits, registrations, forms and documents needed to start a business, as well as the regulations to be followed;
  • Information on import and export;
  • information on patents, copyrights and trademarks;
  • Opportunities for coaching and networking.

Contact us today to take advantage of growing opportunities.

Just a stone’s throw from Montréal and Ottawa, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell are the perfect place to invest. This vibrantly growing region is situated directly in the economic corridor between Toronto and Quebec City. Our businesses have access to more than 27 million people within a 450-kilometre radius. According to our entrepreneurs, this prime location is their greatest advantage. And despite this proximity, the beautiful farmland of our region is open and accessible. We have some of the country’s most affordable housing, the parking is free and our pristine roads have no rush hour. We have an educated population throughout our eight municipalities. Fifty-eight percent of our residents aged 25 to 64 have a post-secondary diploma or degree—that’s higher than the Canadian average. Also, seven out of 10 residents are bilingual, which is one of the highest rates in the country. And despite that, Eastern Ontario’s labour force offers more than a 20% advantage over Toronto. And we’ve already done a lot to welcome you. The “À la Carte” search tool on the United Counties of Prescott and Russell website helps you quickly find commercial and industrial land that’s ready for development. You can filter your search for services that are already available, like electricity, gas, water, sewage and Internet. And whatever you find, you’ll enjoy low property taxes. Once you find the land you want, the economic development team will be happy to assist you while ensuring your privacy. Along with the municipal governments, there’s an entire business support network to assist you. The Employment Services Centre targets recruitment, the Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation focuses on financing, the Entrepreneurship Centre assists with business startup and growth, and our Chambers of Commerce will help you get the most from our network. With all these advantages—the people, the location, and the economy, there is so many reasons to be part of our growth. In Prescott and Russell, we’re ready for your projects.
The United Counties of Prescott and Russell have the double advantage of being surrounded by nature and being exceptionally well situated for business. We have direct access to the major centres of Ottawa and Montreal, our closest large neighbours, via Highways 417 and 17. Within a 450-kilometer radius, we have a market of more than 27 million people within our reach, in Ontario, Quebec and the United States. And within the Prescott and Russell region, our communities are connected by wide and well-paved roads that cross our rich lands. It’s unusual for anyone to spend more than 30 minutes getting to work. With more than 90,000 inhabitants, our region is flourishing, and is unique within Canada. Located at the crossroads of the country’s two major cultures, two-thirds of our population is francophone but also bilingual. We have loyal workers, and our economy is thriving. Eighty-three percent of businesses report having no difficulty with employee retention. Moreover, nine out of ten employers retain their employees or hire new ones. To support business development, the Prescott and Russell Entrepreneurship Centre and other organizations provide constant support and guidance in everything from recruiting to funding. Our eight municipalities also support the business community through low property taxes and land that’s ready for development. It is estimated that operating costs for businesses are 12 percent lower than in Toronto, while the labour force represents a 20 percent economic advantage. In fact, almost everything costs less here—starting with homes, which are 30 percent lower than the Ontario average. The city of Clarence-Rockland and the Township of Russell are ranked among the best Canadian municipalities to live in, and they’re also 12th and 2nd respectively among the municipalities with the most affordable homes in the country. Across our region, four out of five families spend less than a third of their income on housing. The Prescott and Russell region offers a diverse economy, an educated workforce, tax benefits from different levels of government, and a higher employment rate than the Canadian average. In Prescott-Russell, we’re ready to welcome you.