The Ontario East Economic Development Commission (OEEDC) is pleased to announce the 2019 Ontario East Municipal Conference (OEMC) will be held at the NAV CENTRE in Cornwall, Ontario, Wednesday September 11 to Friday September 13, 2019.
An anticipated attendance of more than 500 delegates and more than 50 exhibitors from across Ontario will provide an excellent networking and educational forum for everyone involved in this conference.
Please forward this Call for Speakers to any other individuals/organizations you feel could make a contribution to the conference.
Who Should Submit
- Economic Development Officials & Staff
- ED Committee Chairs
- Economic Development Consultants
- Commercial /Industrial Brokers & Developers
- Community Financial Representatives
- Corporate Site Location Officials
- Market Researchers
- Tourism Representatives
- Downtown Revitalization Officials
- Federal and Provincial Officials
Share Your Expertise
We invite you to share your innovative ideas at the Conference by submitting proposals for presentations on topics such as, but not limited to:
- EDO Working Groups
- Community Engagement
- Demographics
- Economic Development Best Practices
- Downtown Development
- Creative Ideas for a Small Budgets
- Grant Writings
- Government ED Programs
- Media Management
- Rural Economic Development Initiatives
- Quantification
- Business Recruitment and Training
- University ED Research
- Social Media Basic and Advanced
- Regional Economic Development Models
Presentation Specifications
Presentations will be programmed in various time frames.
Submitting Presentation Proposals
- Your submission must include the title of the presentation, presenter name(s) and organization(s), presenter bio(s), and the presentation description.
- Please submit a 200-word description of your presentation. This 200-word description will be used in all conference advertising literature and assist in evaluating your submission. Please use clear language to describe the nature of the presentation. Please ensure your description accurately reflects the content of the session. Sessions that are interactive and/or focus on case studies, best practices, and provide take-aways for attendees will be given priority.
- Presentation rooms will be set up with a projector and laptop for powerpoint presentations. Please specify any additional audio-visual equipment that you will need for your presentation.
- Please allow time within your presentation for questions and discussion.
- All accepted presenters are asked to provide an electronic copy of their presentation for the conference website. Presenters are responsible for duplicating any handouts at their own cost if they wish to provide within their presentations.
The 200-word description will be the basis for judging the proposal. All evaluations will be based on the following criteria:
- Importance
- Innovation and originality
- Quality, clarity and organization of submission
- Sessions will be selected to ensure a varied program
- Sessions that are interactive and/or focus on case studies, best practices, and provide take-aways for attendees will be given priority
Conference Streams include:
- Marketing and Promotion
- Economic Development
- Leadership and Management
- Other
Deadline for submission of proposal: February 28, 2019
Submit your proposal here: